Countess Walewska Vodka
From the soil of Idaho to the coast of California, to the glass in
your hand. Explore the history of Countess Walewska’s life with hidden details on the bottle in your hand.

1. The Countess Marie Walewska, 1786-1817, is one of history’s great symbols of purity and loyalty. Known for her beauty and intellect, she was a fervent Polish patriot and was influential during her era as she had the ear of Napoleon.
2. Portrait of the Countess painted by Jean- Baptiste Isabey, “the painter of Kings.” He was the portrait painter of the great and the good of Europe. He painted now-famous portraits of Napoleon and Josephine.
3. M – Marie (her first name)
4. L – Laczinska (her maiden last name)
5. N – Napoleon who commissioned Isabey to paint the Countess. Legend has it that “Napoleon” was the last word on the Countess’ dying lips.
6. The stage: Isabey was Napoleon’s Director of Opera Décor, and it was Isabey that saw firsthand the dramas of the royal court. Onstage Napoleon was with his wife, but behind the scenes it was really Walewska that mattered.
7. Batch number and handcrafted in California.
8. Premium potato vodka. In fact 9 1/2 pounds of potato
used per bottle.
9. Proofed with pristine Napa Valley spring water - sourced from the grounds where Francis and Eleanor raised their family.